I'm Angelo Darko Goskel (artistic pseudonym) I live in Mexico and I'm very happy to be here. I was born in 1992, since I was a child, I always liked artistic activities, I started to draw and paint with school paint hahaha! I never attended courses or graduated from an art school, it has simply been empirical knowledge, I mean, has been the dedication and effort of always wanting to be better than before.

I know that I still have a long way to go, the goal isn't to surrender. Regarding my life, it's a little hard, I have lived many difficult things and "unreal" things, sometimes I get very angry or very sad or very inspired, too extreme hahaha! But that helps me to make my own original art. In this case, drawing for me is like entering a state of consciousness different from reality, where there’s no time or space; it’s like being in another dimension.

More info:
Ello: https://ello.co/werewolfgoskel