Adriana Zúñiga Velásquez (Colombia, 1990) is a plastic artist in training since 2017 at the Departmental Institute of Fine Arts in Santiago de Cali, Colombia. The works of the artist speak of their daily life and their personal reflections. She is excels in the performance, videoperformance and painting.

In 2015, the artist won an honorable mention and the publication of her painting "Crystal" in the 2016 Janssen laboratory calendar in the "JANSSEN National Painting Competition 2015" and she sold her work at USD $122. In 2018 she made her most important exhibition within the university 'Propiocepciones', it was made with a collective description and a museography as a "modern art gallery". Currently she is published in the artist's book "FLAMANTES # 14" of the Spanish collective HAGO COSAS, which is an official publication.

More info:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adrinanazv