I am an artist, specializing in painting portraits and figurative art. Inspired by the Dutch masters, I have incorporated classical technique into the world of contemporary culture and design with modern faces and figures. Some of my biggest projects contain costumes, particularly designed for some of my models, while capturing a specific style as well as the spirit. Specifically, connecting the layered painting technique with elements of modernity and using a stroke of the paintbrush as a means of visual language, I would like to express and emphasize the complex beauty of our time.

The created paintings are marked by international and national awards. I have been a finalist in major international competitions such as ARC, Beautiful Bizarre, and received the ModPortrait 2021 Honorable Mention award. My awards also include the Grand Prize in International Artist magazine and an honorable mention in American art collector magazine.

More info:
Website: https://dariamart.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_martdaria_