Like many women in art, I embraced art as an adult, but it was not until I relocated
to the USA five years ago, that I started working as a full time artist.
My creativity begins with an appreciation for the beauty in the everyday, often
reflecting my emotions and memories and interwoven with more idyllic and
imagined elements of the environment. Layers and a love for pattern informs my
I draw inspiration from my experience of living in between countries and continents,
exploring ideas of socialization and one’s sense of belonging.
Although not obvious, my art is always deeply personal and recollects memories of
time and place. Quite often birds stand in for the Self, but they have singular
meaning. I believe that to assume that, is as assuming that every person experience
the world in the same way.
My more recent mixed media works explore the dichotomy between new and old by
layering images from vintage magazines with current images or paint, thus creating
new narratives.
I am always trying to evolve and try not to feel tethered to a particular subject or
style, but rather let my work organically grow alongside me to reflect my personal
Other than that, I don’t have any deep philosophical ideas about my art except that I
want to produce beautiful works that people will enjoy and be proud to have
hanging on their walls.
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