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Photographer Bob Bell

Writer: JaamZIN CreativeJaamZIN Creative

Photographer Bob Bell is an archaeologist and right of way agent, living in rural western Kentucky.

Keeney Mountain Barn_BW - I often take rural roads that I have never driven before.  One never knows what they will find.  This abandoned barn in Summers County, West Virginia is just an example.
Keeney Mountain Barn_BW - I often take rural roads that I have never driven before. One never knows what they will find. This abandoned barn in Summers County, West Virginia is just an example.

'I often work “on the road,”  and the pictures that I take reflect that fact.  I shoot what I like at the moment. Most of my pictures have a rural theme, old and abandoned barns, and homes that have seen better days.'

A Visit to the Old Homeplace - This image if of a man visiting the old home and farm where he grew up in rural West Virginia.  He and his brothers and sisters all own a part of the farm, where many of the historic buildings are well preserved.
A Visit to the Old Homeplace - This image if of a man visiting the old home and farm where he grew up in rural West Virginia. He and his brothers and sisters all own a part of the farm, where many of the historic buildings are well preserved.

"Many of my pictures reflect my interest in archaeology, history and historic preservation.  Others are just found shots.  However, most document parts of rural America, which are too quickly disappearing."

Keller Church_BW - West Virginia is blessed with a number of old churches along its backroads, many of them still in use.  Keller Church in Pence Springs, is an example.
Keller Church_BW - West Virginia is blessed with a number of old churches along its backroads, many of them still in use. Keller Church in Pence Springs, is an example.


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