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Photographer Matilde Stolfa

Writer: JaamZIN CreativeJaamZIN Creative

I'm Matilde Stolfa and I'm 22 years old. I was born and raised by the seaside, in Ravenna and then moved to Milan to continue my studies. I'm a photographer and an architecture student, I also deal with illustration and graphic design and whichever matter can be used for representation and self expression.

I've always been a d.i.y. kind of person, this brought me to experiment with different media, most of the time starting randomly and the getting in the flow of things. My pictures revolve mainly about two themes: the city and the relationship between built environment and people, and people as individuals in their intimacy, fragilities strengths and feelings.

I was raised mainly by women, women shaped my life so it came obvious to have them as main subjects, with every aspect that womanhood brings.

Description of the pictures:

The 3 photos are part of a broader series called 'Sister where art thou?', in this series i portray the women in my life in everyday moments, the pictures work as film still that describe a complex universe of identities and feelings. These particular photos come from a late afternoon spent at the park, just chatting and hanging out, as the sun was setting i took out the camera and tried to capture the feeling of lightness and peacefulness of that moment. The double exposure photo was that outcome of trying to recreate the idea of 'hide and seek' in order to have a playful element that bounded that moment temporally to a younger self.

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