I was born in 1968 in Czechoslovakia. I live in a part of the former Czechoslovakia - in Slovakia. After a series of many mistakes and erroneous decisions, I have devoted myself to photography for decades. I work in the National Gallery, teach photography and devote myself to my free creation. I am not a landscape photographer but I use the natural environment to express my feelings. I do not solve problems through photography.

Own or others. I just want to give the image a feeling. Message. About the need to seek peace and harmony. Feeling of the perfect presence of God all around us. The series I have been working for a long time is called "Lesografie" (Les = forrest, grafie = drawing with light). From it are also these photos. I like luxury when I expose 200 rolls of film and from 2400 shots after 5 years I choose 6 photo. I'm slow.

More info:
Website: www.petermarek.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/petermarek
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/petermarek/