I'm Stuart Hassell (Gingydadtog), a hobbyist photographer based in the West Midlands area of the UK.

My interest in photography began with 110 & 126 film cameras. I purchased my first SLR, a Zenith 11, in the mid 80’s, and that eventually gave way to a Praktica BX20. During the 90's and 2000's photography took a back seat and it wasn’t until 2014, and the purchase of my first DSLR that the photography bug bit me again.

My images are mainly of railway interest, where I try to capture something more than just a picture of a train. Railways are about so much more than just the trains; the wider environment, stations, workers, passengers they are all potential subjects. I also enjoy other genres of photography including documentary, urban and portrait photography. I am a member of the Phoenix Railway Photographic Circle where, via monthly galleries, members try to produce creative and artistic images of railway related subjects.

More info:
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/102924678@N06