I'm a 49-year-old amateur photographer with a penchant for astro- and macrophotography. The emphasis actually lies on amateur, as I have but one camera and two lenses so far.

I work for an IT company in Dortmund, Germany, and I'm an avid astronomy and space flight fan, as well as a single mother of a daughter (13) and a son (11).

You can find my blog at https://leavingorbit.wordpress.com/ and my Twitter account at https://twitter.com/Leaving_Orbit. While the former is entirely in German, the latter contains tweets in several European languages. The corresponding Facebook page can be found at https://www.facebook.com/LeavingOrbit/

Thank you very much. Your request was a very pleasant surprise. :-)
In case anyone would like to visit my Flickr account, I'm taking the liberty to add it here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/leavingorbit/ (Username "leavingorbit", in case you don't permit links in comments.)