Sculptor Michel Anthony is among the best sculptors in the South of France. His bronze works has been displayed in Louvre, Paris and Palais Royale in Monaco. Michel Anthony’s talent is also well recognized by UNESCO. Michel’s modern contemporary style, both in his sculpture and his paintings, bespeaks understated elegance, letting the material shine and the message speak for itself.
His iconic work, "L'Amour Flamboyant" combines the nature, humanity and passion. The transformational expression highlights the direction of dialogues in peace and human affairs.
Human body, the intelligence of nature and our spiritual core all become integrative in his art.
Through the special arrangement of a boutique PR agency, has teamed up with Isabell Tinred, a Scandinavian award-winning model to represent the works of Michel. Isabell has been featured by top fashion magazines such as Gmaro, Toptown and Haper’s Bazaar.
Isabell’s recent focus on spiritual practice also inspired her desire to collaborate with Michel Anthony.
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